Pastoral Leadership
Rev. Dr. Neal E. Pearson and his family joined the St. John’s Baptist Church of Woburn, Massachusetts in 1983 and soon became involved in a number of church endeavors. In 1986 he joined the Deacon Board and became its Chairman in 1988. Neal served in that position until 1991 when he answered his call to preach the word of God. He has also served as the New Building Co-Chair, Director of the Capital Stewardship Program, Trustee and Chairman of the Board of Trustee, Adult Sunday-School Teacher, Prayer and Share Bible Study facilitator and musician for all the choirs.
He is a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and the Center for Urban Ministerial Education (CUME), where he received his Masters of Arts in Urban Ministry, with a concentration in Religious Education in 1996. In 2003 he received his Master of Divinity Degree which was followed by a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in May 2005. Rev. Dr. Pearson, who serves as the Pastor of St. John’s Baptist Church, currently resides in Groton, Massachusetts with his wife, Esther whom he’s been married to for over 30 years.
Family Life Ministry
- Focuses on developing the family ministry within the St. John’s Baptist Church community.
- Develops and administers an organized plan to build relationships with families within the church body.
- Encourages the growth of spiritually healthy families through providing leadership, outreach and educational opportunities within the church.
- Creates an annual calendar of special family activities that address the needs of the church body.
- Makes available classes and learning opportunities on marriage, family relationships, parenting, caring for the elderly and other relevant topics for the family.
- Preaches upon request or as needed during the various worship services of the church.
Youth Ministry
- Focuses on developing the youth and young adult ministry within the St. John’s Baptist Church.
- Develops and administer an organized plan to build relationships with the youth and young adults within the church body.
- Identifies the needs and interests of the young adults and youth within the church body and the community.
- Encourages spiritual growth through providing leadership, outreach and educational opportunities for the youth and young adults.
- Creates an annual calendar of special youth and young adult activities that address the needs of the church body.
- Leads in the preparation and delivery of special worship services and Bible studies focused on young adults and the youth.
- Preaches upon request or as needed during the various worship services of the church.
Link to Christian Youth Camp – Oceanwood –
- Assists the Pastor in the conduct of the church’s mission.
- Cares for the church membership.
- Assists the pastor in conflict resolution.
- Models spiritual behavior and assist in the teaching ministry of the church.
- Provides spiritual leadership in the church’s ministry.
- Assist s in the administration of ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism and in any and all functions in the Church in cooperation with the Pastor.
- Visits the sick and shut-in.
- Assist s in the care of the Pastor and his family.
Board of Trustees
- Manages the real estate and all property held in the name of the church, and is charged with its preservation, improvement, security and protection.
- Supervises the operating expenses of the church in accordance to the annual budget and maintain all the necessary insurances needed for the church.
Christian Education
The Department of Christian Education serves as an agency to promote educational seminars, series, topics, and other growth opportunities for the entire church membership in order to better prepare it for service. The Department of Christian Education meets on selected dates which are posted in the Sunday Church Bulletins. Some of the auxiliaries are:
Sunday School: Sunday School is not an auxiliary in the full sense of the term. It is an opportunity for the entire church to be at study. Classes are available for all age groups – from pre-schoolers to senior citizens. Sunday School begins at 9:45 a.m.
Church-at-Study: The Church-at-Study provides opportunities for individual and group growth via semester courses in Biblical Studies, Family Life, Personal Development and Enrichment, Financial Planning, Black History, Arts & Grafts, Children’s Studies and more. For those interested in enrolling in classes semester schedules are provided.
Rev Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Activities Committee: This committee is devoted to maintaining the legacy of Dr. King. Special programs, Friday night dinners, Black History Month celebrations, annual luncheon, and specialized programs for teens and young adults provide opportunities to learn about Dr. King’s obedience to the word of God as he impacted the lives of so many. There is something here for everyone-children, teenagers, and adults.
MLK Scholarship Committee: The Scholarship Committee oversees the creation, fund-raising and support of scholarships for students entering undergraduate or graduate studies.
National, State and Local Conventions and Associations: The auxiliary involved with national, state and local conventions and associations is responsible for providing participants and delegates to the various Baptist conventions and associations that the church is affiliated with. Some of these include: The National Baptist Convention, USA; The United Baptist Convention of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire; TABCOM (The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts); and the Adoniram Judson Association.
Educational/Civil Rights Forums: These forums enable the fellowship to keep abreast of contemporary issues and explore how history has “shaped” our lives. These seminars, which are informational and instructional, cover a wide range of topics and provide opportunities to fellowship with other churches and the local community.
Academic/Family Support: Provides opportunities for individual and group support via seminars, courses, advocacy, and tutoring. These opportunities are specifically designed to meet the needs of the congregation
Music Ministry
The Department of Music seeks to serve through the ministry of music. Choirs and musicians comprise the department, which provides opportunities for growth through the offering of music classes, workshops, retreats and rehearsals. Music ministries include:
The St. John’s Baptist Choir (SJBC): The SJBC is a mass choir. The choir meets on the Wednesday before the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The choir sings on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month.
The Catherine Canada Youth Choir (CCYC): This choir is designed for young people between the ages of 10 to 18. The choir meets on the first two Fridays before the 1st and 2nd Sundays at 7:00 p.m. The Catherine Canada Youth Choir sings on the 2nd Sunday of every month.
The Men’s Chorus: The Men’s Chorus is for youth 12 and above and men of all ages. The Men’s Chorus only sings on the 4th Sunday. Rehearsal is held the Friday before the 4th Sunday at 7:00.
The Cherubs: This choir is designed for young people between the ages of 4 to 9. The choir meets on the first two Fridays before the 1st and 2nd Sundays at 8:00 p.m. The Cherubs sing on the 2nd Sunday of every month.
The Rev. Dr. Larry Edmunds Instrumental Ensemble: This group of instrumentalists is designed for young people ages 10 and above. Adults are also welcome to join. The ensemble meets on the third Friday before the 3rd Sunday at 7:00 p.m. They also rehearse on the fourth Friday before the 4th Sunday at 8:00PM. Strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion and keyboards compose this group. The ensemble plays on the fourth and fifth Sundays of every month. At least two to three years of instruction is needed before joining.
The Praise and Worship Team: This singing ensemble consists of adults ages 18 and up. The group meets on the second Wednesday before the 2nd Sunday at 7:30p.m. The Praise and Worship team sings on the first, second and third Sundays of every month. In order to serve in the music ministry, adults must be a member of SJBC.
All rehearsals are printed in the bulletin and new members are always welcome in all music ensembles. Please see the Director of Music if you are interested in sharing your talents in this dynamic ministry.
Missions and Evangelism
The purpose of the Department of Missions is to reach the lost for Christ. This includes involvement in and support of local and foreign missions by aiding mission projects, churches, communities and individuals, such as Tsunami and Hurricane Relief, plus numerous other local and foreign projects.
Some members of the Mission Department travel as missionaries or participate in programs in places such as Kenya, Zaire, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Bermuda, as well as various cities and states in the U.S. Various programs, activities and meetings are listed and scheduled in the Sunday Bulletins.
Participation in this Department is open to the entire congregation. If you are interested in getting involved in Missions please contact the Department Chairperson.
Women's Ministry
Missions Statement
- Provides special worship services, annual retreats, learning opportunities, and community outreach that are specific to the needs and spiritual growth of the St. John’s Baptist Church women and girls, and the community.
- Provides periodic workshops and programs unique to women and girls.
- Plans the annual women’s retreat for strengthening sisterhood in Christ and building faithful relationships.
- Outreaches to the community are sponsored for purposes of evangelism, church growth, and community involvement.
Men's Ministry
Missions Statement
Provides special worship services, retreats, learning opportunities, and community outreach that are specific to the needs and spiritual growth of the St. John’s Baptist Church men and boys, and the community.
Plans the annual men’s retreat for strengthening brotherhood in Christ and building faithful relationships and workshops pertaining to topics unique to men and boys are held periodically
Outreaches to the community are sponsored for purposes of evangelism, church growth, and community involvement.
Public Relations
The Department of Public Relations seeks to provide opportunities of evangelism through creating a greater awareness of St. John’s sponsored events among St. John’s members, the city of Woburn, our sister churches and the general community. In doing so, the Department of Public Relations utilizes various forms of media for publicity purposes, such as newspapers, radio, TV, videos, tapes, brochures, manuals, letters, etc. Many of the church’s traditional celebrations and special events are supported by the Department of Public Relations. Members interested in joining committees within this department should contact the Department Chair. The following committees are under the department of public relations umbrella:
Welcome Committee: The Welcome Committee in conjunction with the Usher Board and Church Secretary are responsible for making visitors to the church feel “at home.” The production and upkeep of welcome materials distributed to visitors by Ushers or mailed by the church secretary are the responsibility of this committee.
History and Archives Committee: This committee is responsible for overseeing the collection and cataloguing of information that provides current and past historical data on the church. This includes working with the Church Historian assembling pictures and artifacts and cataloguing tapes and videos.
Media/Publicity Committee: The Media/Publicity Committee serves to support and coordinate all publicity efforts. Contact with radio, TV, newspaper and other media coverage are made in an effort to inform the public regarding specific events, celebrations, or activities to take place at St. John’s. The Department of Public Relations, works closely with other departments within the church in providing publicity for events sponsored by various departments. In additions, this committee submits approved ads on behalf of the church in support of other churches, conventions, organizations etc.
Pastor Anniversary: The purpose of this committee is to honor the Pastor of St. John’s Baptist Church in a special service. Activities usually involve the coordination of the service, inviting guest and/or speakers, where appropriate, and coordination of dinner.
First Lady Celebration: The purpose of this committee is to honor the First Lady of St. John’s Baptist Church in a special service. Activities usually involve the coordination of the service, inviting guest and/or speakers, where appropriate, and coordination of dinner.
Baby Showers/Farewell Coffee Hours/ Monthly Birthday Celebrations: The committee seeks to celebrate joyous occasions of church family members through showers, coffee hours, and birthday celebrations. Donations are received from the congregation for gifts and food. Celebrations generally take place after Sunday morning service.
The Kitchen Committee: The Kitchen Committee seeks to provide support for all events and occasions through the preparation and service of food. These meals include breakfasts, luncheons, coffee hours, between service dinners, banquets, etc.
Church Calendar: The church calendar is coordinated through the Public Relations Department. The chair of Public Relations works with departments and committees seeking to secure dates for events, meetings, special services etc. To minimize conflicts and increase awareness of activities, and better inform the church body and public of events at St. John’s.
Annual Report: The annual report is a compilation of all activities that take place during the year at St. John’s. The Public Relations chair coordinates the production of the Annual Report by working with all Departments in the church collecting submissions of yearly activities. The report is presented at the church’s annual meeting.
Seniors Relationship Ministry
The mission of the Senior Citizen’s Relations Ministry is to insure communications with the seniors, help with such tasks as transportation, hospital visitations and outings, provide general support as requested, and provide feedback to the Pastor
Weekly Schedule
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